
Setting a foundation for innovation

Helsingborg Innovation District is a result of its own collaborative momentum: public meets private meets academia in a seamless network of cooperative support and influence to drive innovation.

Helsingborg stad | Helsingborg innovation district

The City of Helsingborg

The city’s involvement is a natural extension of its progress as a European partner city towards a climate-neutral 2030 and history of innovation support and acceleration, including the H22 and H22 City Expo that showcased, tested, and co-created smart solutions that improve quality of life whilst becoming a sustainable city. The goal is “to work with business, academia and residents to achieve the vision of a smart, sustainable and considerate city.” An approach backed by more than words, as their many documented successes and initiatives show

”We need to be an innovation city where we try totally new things, an experimental city that actually takes responsibility so that others can follow.”

Lisa Olsson, head of transformation and innovation, City of Helsingborg 

Lund University

The Lund University influence in the innovation district takes the form of onsite and regional campuses, research facilities and personnel, relevant curricula, student and faculty bodies—and the stability represented by one of the world’s oldest and most respected educational institutions.  A natural and easily accessible extension of the Lund sites, Campus Helsingborg plays a central role in forming the seamless bonds between private sector R&D initiatives, sustainability innovation research and the highly-trained and educated workforce needed to drive sustainable growth in the region.

”An innovation district is a way of energising a city. The university is a good engine for this, but we’re part of a wider integration of government, business and academia—we can’t do it alone.” 

– Charlotta Johnsson, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden

The regional Chamber of Commerce is the ambassador for the member companies it represents. As a innovation district initiator, they have been instrumental in advancing the cross-collaborative opportunities between private sector organisations, but also between private, public and academic institutions. Sustainable growth for members and society is a key motivation. Particularly exciting is the potential for “shelved” innovation that doesn’t fit with an organisation’s core business—the possibility for sustainability innovation grows exponentially with more potential solutions to explore within a frictionless collaborative network.

“The ”triple helix” of connected academic, public and business worlds is very important. I think we can make magic, really.” 

Katarina Björnsdotter, Regional Manager Northern Skåne and Southern Halland.

Region Skåne

Region Skåne has an active support role in the development of Helsingborg Innovation District. Beside managing the health sectorRegion Skåne also plays a leading role in work to develop the infrastructure, strengthen trade and industry and create a sustainable, attractive Skåne.

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